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Ten Years
Ten years ago at this very moment, I was two months past my twenty-fifth birthday and experiencing the first dull, regular aches that...
This is why I have trust issues
Guys, it's been a while, but this story is one for the history books and so I felt that I needed to come out of hiding. Please grab...
Hey, Bitches
It's International Women's Day. I can almost hear the collective eyeroll from the multitude of people who think this day is ridiculous...

The In-Between
A friend of mine welcomed a second baby a few days ago. I went in to visit the tiny new member (literally only half the size of Liam when...
Little bit of love...
Funny how you spend the beginning of your relationships thinking that you love someone. Floating on a high from rush after rush of...
Hey, VOCM,
So VOCM posted a "Question of the Day" that has since been deleted, but it was something to the tune of, "Do you agree with the use of...
That time Princess Kate Absolutely Killed it at Birth
Kate, Kate, Kate... I know we have all seen the pictures. Girlfriend is seriously looking good for someone who pushed a human out of her...
I have become acutely aware over the past little while that I am living through the time that I will wish back one day. Moreso since the...

Sir, can you not...
Recently I was accused of not being a feminist because I posted a Beyonce quote on my Instagram for International Women's Day. For the...
I planted seeds with Avery yesterday. Just in little starter pods that we will grow in the house until the weather is warm enough to move...
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